Share Family - Linked Data Ecosystem for Libraries


LILLIT portal launches: explore Italian illustrated books 1501-1800

We're excited to unveil the LILLIT portal for Italian illustrated books 1501-1800, a collaborative effort by ICCU, @Cult, and the Central Institute for Graphics. Developed through a Sapienza University of Rome project, LILLIT offers an intuitive interface, advanced search options, and access to digital copies. Utilizing Linked Open Data, the portal displays enhanced information on 16th-18th century editions, highlighting engraving techniques and creators. Operating on the BIBFRAME bibliographic model, LILLIT seamlessly aligns with the technological and conceptual innovation of the other Share Family projects, bringing new possibilities to the bibliographic landscape. Explore the LILLIT portal at 

Exciting presentations before the end of the year

We are thrilled to announce that our team members, Tiziana Possemato and Andrea Gazzarini, will be presenting a hybrid session titled "Quel che fa e quel che farà l'Intelligenza artificiale nei processi di pubblicazione dei dati bibliografici dell'iniziativa Share" at the 62nd conference of the Italian Library Association (AIB) on November 17. For more details on how to join the conference, please visit AIB's event page.

Additionally, for those who missed our presence at Charleston, we have great news! Jim Hahn, Tiziana Possemato, Sebastian Hammer, and Nina Servizzi's session "Share-VDE and beyond – Cooperation and innovation to bring Linked Open Data into practice" will be aired online on November 30 at 11:15 AM EST, followed by a live Q&A session. To participate and register, please visit Charleston Conference's registration page.

Don't miss this opportunity to delve into the world of Linked Open Data and discover more about our initiative!

Explore Session Materials from BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe 2023

We are pleased to announce that the slides and recordings from a recent session, led by Tiziana Possemato, Anna Lionetti, and Jim Hahn, at the BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe 2023, focusing on the Share Family Initiative, are now available online.

Explore these materials to gain insights into key topics related to the Share Family initiative's mission, such as the Share-VDE ontology and the JCricket entity editor.

Additionally, we encourage you to check out related sessions from the conference:

  • Serafia Kari: usability study of the Share-VDE platform
  • Sebastian Hammer: integration of FOLIO and Share-VDE
  • Ian Bigelow and Abigail Sparling: Share-VDE within UAlberta’s Linked Data Implementation Plan

You can access the session materials on our wiki and on the BFWE website.  

Learn more about the Share Family at SWIB in Berlin and Linked Open Data Taiwan

We are thrilled to announce that we've recently participated in two  events where we had the privilege to present our initiatives to the library community and engage with a global audience.

SWIB in Berlin: Oddrun Ohren (National Library of Norway) and Jim Hahn (University of Pennsylvania, University of Illinois) took the stage to present the SVDE ontology. The materials related to this presentation, including slides and recordings, can be found on our wiki. Explore the SWIB event materials here.

Linked Open Data Taiwan: Anna Lionetti represented the Share Family at the Linked Open Data Taiwan conference, where she showcased the Share Family Initiative. You can access the presentation slides for this event on our wiki as well. Access the Taiwan conference materials here.

Join us at SWIB and BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe 2023 for Share-VDE's Latest Advancements

We are thrilled to announce our participation in two events in September, the 15th Semantic Web in Libraries Conference and the BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe 2023. On September 12, Jim Hahn and Oddrun Pauline Ohren will present the Share-VDE ontology at SWIB 2023, highlighting its design process, goals, and principles. On September 19, Tiziana Possemato, Anna Lionetti and Jim Hahn will unveil Share-VDE's newest advancements towards production at the 2023 BIBFRAME Workshop. The 2023 BIBFRAME Workshop is a hybrid event, and registration is open and free.

2023 Share-VDE workshop at ALA

We are excited to announce the upcoming Share-VDE Workshop, on June 26th, 8:30am-10:30am Central US time at ALA Conference 2023 in Chicago. The workshop will be conducted in a hybrid format, allowing both in-person and online participation. Building on the achievements and system infrastructure upgrades presented at the Library of Congress in 2022, this year's workshop will highlight the cooperative advancements within the Share-VDE initiative. The program includes an overview of Share-VDE and Share Family background; a focus on the progress of the working groups that inform the benefits that the common Share Family LOD Platform technology supports, to the advantage of the Share Family community and for the interoperability opportunities with third parties including ILS/LSP organizations and linked data networks; the demo of JCricket, the tool for entity management and a dedicated editor for linked data editing enabling entity sharing; use cases, future perspectives and models for participation. For more information, please visit the ALA 2023 online programme or contact

Parsifal release

On May 11, 2023 the Roman Union of Ecclesiastical Libraries (URBE) and @CULT announce the release of PARSIFAL, a cutting-edge linked data management system and entity discovery platform. PARSIFAL aims to enhance the exchange and interoperability of bibliographic data and authority items, significantly increasing accessibility to the abundant resources of the 17 participating URBE libraries. With a vast collection of 2.8 million records regularly updated, PARSIFAL offers users a streamlined research experience, enriched by diverse catalogues. The success of this venture lies not only in its technological innovation and strength, but, above all, in the cooperation and participation between @CULT and URBE network librarians and cataloguers, fostering flexible and sustainable data management practices within the evolving bibliographic ecosystem.

Work exchange with Serafia Kari, from the National Library of Finland

We are thrilled to announce the arrival of Serafia Kari, Service Designer within the Finna service offered by the National Library of Finland, who will be joining us on April 11th for an exciting collaboration.
Serafia's primary focus during her month-long stay will be on the Share-VDE project, working alongside the Share-VDE team.
With her expertise and passion for libraries and user experience, Serafia will run a study on the usability of the Share-VDE portal web interface, aiming to improve the way users access and share information.