Share Family - Linked Data Ecosystem for Libraries


The Share Family Bulletin n.9 is online!

The Share Family Bulletin provides the highlights of the recent achievements and the shared vision of the Share Family community. The latest issue, Bulletin 9 (July 2024), is available at: with alternative access to the PDF version: This issue highlights the release of version 3 and the developments of the LOD Platform, showcasing the JCricket Entity Editor. Recounting the achievements and challenges within the Share Family initiative during this year, we are happy to share the materials from the Share Family Workshop that was held during ALA Conference 2024 in San Diego, including slides and recording. The Bulletin report serves as a comprehensive reflection on the accomplishments for the first half of 2024, as well as insights into what is to come the remaining months of year 2024. Among the latest resources, check out the Share Family’s brand new series of informative videos about the “Share Family: Linked Data for Libraries, by Libraries”, addressing the vision and core concepts of the initiative:

Subscribe to the Share Family YouTube channel at to keep up to date with our presentations and events, access informative materials and more! Our deepest appreciation is to everyone for their relentless passion and dedicated efforts and resources towards the initiative. Stay connected for more updates and events soon!

The Share Family featuring at the LC BIBFRAME Update Forum

We are delighted to participate as contributors at the Library of Congress BIBFRAME Update, due to take place at 1pm Eastern US time on Monday 1st July. Tiziana Possemato will discuss "Fostering BIBFRAME collaboration: interoperability and data curation with the Share Family". Share-VDE has been active with BIBFRAME since 2016. The several Share Family projects all maintain standardization of BIBFRAME linked data as defined by the Library of Congress and the presentation will emphasize how standard BIBFRAME is a key to our community’s integrated environments as systems proliferate, from both the interoperability and the data curation point of view. The session is available for viewing via this link from the LC BIBFRAME Homepage.

2024 Share Family Workshop at ALA

We are pleased to announce the Share Family Workshop that will be held on Monday, July 1st at 8.30am – 10am Pacific US Daylight Time | 5.30pm – 7pm Central European Summer Time, at ALA Conference 2024 in San Diego (Location: Marriott Marquis Hotel, Grand Ballroom Section 02). The meeting is free and open and will be held in hybrid format, both in person and online at this link. After the previous Share-VDE Workshop at ALA Conference 2023 in Chicago, this year's program includes: the evolution of JCricket Entity Editor as a working tool that has been released to members of the Share-VDE and Share Family initiatives for linked data editing and entity sharing; the progress of the SVDE Ontology, modelling the backbone of the LOD Platform data structure and enabling interoperability across linked data formats; opportunities for the integration of Share tools with external networks and ILSs / LSPs; the presentation of a new paradigm for publishing and consuming linked data in a distributed and scalable approach; the practical experience of adopting BIBFRAME for transitioning from original UNIMARC records to linked data descriptions. The event is also posted on ALA 2024 online programme. We look forward to meeting you in San Diego!

Parsifal proceedings now online

We are pleased to announce that the digital edition of the Parsifal proceedings is now available online. You can access it at: This publication features papers presented at Parsifal: a model of library collaboration for sharing recorded knowledge, held at the Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Vatican City, on May 11th, 2023. The print edition is expected to be released later in May. For those interested in bibliographic references and collaborative resources, this material is also accessible on the Share Family wiki, at: Highlighted articles:

Parsifal: an innovative and powerful bibliographic research tool by Mauro Guerrini (in English)

Parsifal: Harmonizing tradition with modernity. The shared Authority File of URBE as a new ground for collaboration by Tiziana Possemato, Annalisa Di Sabato, Alessandra Moi (in Italian)

SHARE Catalogue’s new LOD Platform: an evolution marked by the collaborative practices of the Share Family by Claudio Forziati, Annalisa Di Sabato, Rossella Molisso, Chiara Mugnano (in Italian)

History of the collaboration between Wikidata and URBE Network Libraries in Authority Control by Camillo Carlo Pellizzari di San Girolamo (in Italian)

Parsifal’s web portal: structure and communication of bibliographic data and the Authority file by Stefano Bargioni, Giuseppina Manuli, Marcello Sardelli, Tiziana Selvaggio

This compilation of scholarly work highlights the global nature of our collaborative practices and the diverse perspectives contributing to the advancement of knowledge. Don't miss out on these insightful contributions to the academic community!

Share Family in the CNI Project Briefing Series

We are excited to share our recent participation in the Coalition for Networked Information's Project Briefing Series, where we presented insights from the Share Family initiative's ongoing efforts to advance linked open data and optimize library workflows and services.

Titled "The Share Family: Cooperation and Interconnection for a Sustainable Linked Open Data Ecosystem," our presentation provided an overview of the Share Family linked data ecosystem and its impact on library operations. From cooperative cataloging to advanced metadata management tools and discovery portals, we explored how these innovations are shaping the future of knowledge accessibility.

Make sure to access the recording and presentation slides here and on our wiki, where you can explore additional material about our initiative!

IFLA webinar series on National Bibliographies

We are happy to share the announcement that the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Bibliography Section is holding a free webinar on Tuesday 30 April 2024 on the practicalities of building a national bibliography, exploring successful models from around the world.

The webinar entitled “Building a National Bibliograhy: Models From around the World” is the first in IFLA virtual event series Topics in National BibliographiesTrack 1: Inside National Bibliographic Agencies. It aims at delving into the frameworks and foundations of establishing and operating a national bibliography, drawing inspiration from established and successful models around the world and permitting to navigate diverse landscapes and settings.

Info, programme and registration at this page.

Share Family Releases Executive Summary for Consortia

Share Family unveils our Executive Summary for Consortia transition to linked open data, approved by our Advisory Council. The document emphasizes Share Family's pivotal role in aiding consortia in adopting linked data methodologies for enhanced collaboration. Share Family aims to empower consortia with the tools and knowledge necessary to seamlessly integrate linked open data principles, fostering innovation and interoperability within consortia networks. You can find the Executive Summary for Consortia here.

Introducing Public Documentation, a hub to Share Family resources

We're excited to unveil the new Documentation area of our wiki tailored to meet all your documentation needs within the Share Family initiative. This wiki section offers a wealth of resources meticulously curated to enhance your knowledge of our projects.

From detailed user guides about our discovery portals and editing tools, to exhaustive release notes providing insights into every incremental update, this documentation ensures you're always informed and up-to-date about new developments.

Developers and enthusiasts alike will also be able to access a wealth of API documentation and delve deeper into the technological underpinnings of Share Family with comprehensive information on its core components. This section is a work in progress and will be enriched with more detailed documentation about key components. 

Begin your exploration of Share Family's documentation by clicking on this link:

Share Family Bulletin: A year in review and future visions

The Share Family initiative proudly introduces the new Share Family Bulletin - a testament to a year of remarkable achievements and challenges. This comprehensive report encapsulates the essence of our collective efforts, offering insights into the past year's successes and unveiling our goals for the future. From highlighting key accomplishments to outlining our shared vision within the Share Family community, the bulletin serves as a compass for our journey ahead. You can find the Bulletin on our wiki.

Explore the rich history of the initiative by delving into past issues of the Bulletin, accessible on our wiki. This repository of knowledge provides an in-depth look at our evolution and underscores our commitment to transparency and shared growth. Join us as we celebrate our successes, learn from challenges, and set our sights on an exciting future together.

Wrapping up 2023: highlights from our final conferences - Charleston and AIB

As the year draws to a close, explore the insights from our final sessions of 2023 – the Charleston Conference and AIB Conference. At Charleston, Jim Hahn, Tiziana Possemato, Sebastian Hammer, and Nina Servizzi engaged in discussions highlighting our project's collaborative essence and integration plans with local workflows. At AIB 2023 Conference, Tiziana Possemato and Andrea Gazzarini delved into the pivotal role of AI in bibliographic data treatment, focusing on Share's linked data environment. Access materials and video recordings of these presentations on our wiki!