Share Family - Linked Data Ecosystem for Libraries


The Share Family Bulletin n.9 is online!

The Share Family Bulletin provides the highlights of the recent achievements and the shared vision of the Share Family community. The latest issue, Bulletin 9 (July 2024), is available at: with alternative access to the PDF version: This issue highlights the release of version 3 and the developments of the LOD Platform, showcasing the JCricket Entity Editor. Recounting the achievements and challenges within the Share Family initiative during this year, we are happy to share the materials from the Share Family Workshop that was held during ALA Conference 2024 in San Diego, including slides and recording. The Bulletin report serves as a comprehensive reflection on the accomplishments for the first half of 2024, as well as insights into what is to come the remaining months of year 2024. Among the latest resources, check out the Share Family’s brand new series of informative videos about the “Share Family: Linked Data for Libraries, by Libraries”, addressing the vision and core concepts of the initiative:

Subscribe to the Share Family YouTube channel at to keep up to date with our presentations and events, access informative materials and more! Our deepest appreciation is to everyone for their relentless passion and dedicated efforts and resources towards the initiative. Stay connected for more updates and events soon!